Your liver is the largest solid organ in the body. the liver helps remove substances such as alcohol from the body. Yet there’s a lot more going on in the liver, which performs more than 400 functions for your body.
The liver functions include:
Filtering your blood. During this filtering, the liver removes toxins, such as chemicals, alcohol, or drugs.
Processing glucose or blood sugar. The liver removes excess blood sugar and can turn it into glycogen, which is then stored form of glucose. If your body needs it, it can convert that glycogen back into glucose.
Producing bile, which helps with digestion.
Store vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, D, and E, and the minerals iron and copper.
1. Fruits: Apples, Grapes and Citrus 2. Fruits
3. Cruciferous vegetables
4. Coffee
5. Olive Oil
6. Oatmeal and Grains
7. Turmeric
8. Water
9. Fatty fish
10. Nuts and legumes
11. Beets